Music Assemblies

Posted: 24th May 2017

Posted on 24th May 2017

Mrs. Kaniewski, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Mair led assemblies throughout the term to enable the children to see and hear the range of instruments available to them to learn at Edenhurst.   

Mrs. Kaniewski teaches ‘cello and guitar – both acoustic and electric.  During the assembly Mrs. Kaniewski played “Lord of the Rings” on her ‘cello.  Bethan, Sienna and Natasha also treated us to their playing. The assembly was thoroughly enjoyed by all and inspired some children to begin lessons on the ‘cello.

Mrs. Jones showcased all the instruments that she can teach – flute, clarinet, saxophone and trumpet. Mrs. Jones invited some of her pupils to play for everyone to see the possibilities on each one. Swing Band brought the assembly to a close, showing how advanced they have become after 4 years of playing.

Mrs. Mair brought along all her violin pupils, who gave the children an insight into what goes on during a typical violin lesson.  The string ensemble were able to show the standards it is possible to achieve after playing for a few years.  The violin assembly ended with a solo from River who recently passed grade 5 – a fantastic achievement at age 11.

Playing a musical instrument can become an enjoyable hobby and is proven to enhance other areas of learning.  Edenhurst is able to offer a wealth of musical opportunities and the primary age is a good time to sample a variety of instruments to see which suits your child the best.   It does require a certain amount of commitment from parents as well as the child as regular practice at home is essential if the full potential from lessons is to be achieved.  Do speak with Mrs. Mair if you wish to find out more about learning musical instruments at Edenhurst.

Click here to see some photographs of our young musicians!

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