Reception's Play: The Enormous Turnip

Posted: 3rd May 2017

Posted on 3rd May 2017

Reception have performed their play “The Enormous Turnip”, twice this week, once to the school and once to the parents.

Everyone was very excited at having both their costumes and make-up on. We all tried our best to speak clearly, sing beautifully and dance carefully!

The man and boy carefully planted the turnip seeds, which grew very well when watered by the rain, in the raindrop dance.

Then, to the delight of all, the mouse helped the man, woman, boy, girl, dogs and cats to pull the turnip out of the ground, using his very big muscles.

Finally the chefs made delicious turnip soup, and everyone performed the very tricky harvest dance and then sang the last harvest song brilliantly.

It was great fun and we all enjoyed taking part.  Well done!

Click here to see some photographs of Reception in their costumes.


Mrs. Hodgkinson


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