From The Nursery: Explorers Dive Under The Sea!

Posted: 14th March 2017

Posted on 14th Mar 2017

For the topic of animals, the Explorers have been looking at sea life and all the wonderful creatures that live under the sea.

The children have been looking at sea life in circle time and discussing what lives under the sea, how it looks and the colours they can be. The children were amazed to see a deep sea diver swimming with the animals! We have then used this to create our Under the Sea display. The children had great fun using their hands and feet to make lobsters, fish and octopus’. We then decorated sea horses using paper, glue and glitter and jellyfish using our creative skills with felt tip pens.

All the children then had a wonderful time making sea life biscuits and used their fine motor skills to press out the shapes of the dough. Finally the children used their imaginations with the sea animals in the water tray splashing and laughing!

Click here to see some photographs of the Explorers under the sea!


Mrs. Damjanovic, Miss Parry, Miss Hughes, Miss Khetia, Mrs. Hewitt and Ms Adams


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