Bikeability 2017

Posted: 14th March 2017

Posted on 14th Mar 2017

This year pupils from Prep. 4 and 5 received instructions from the Bikeability Staff who visited School on Thursday and Friday.

Prep. 5 were taking their Level 2 award which includes instruction and practice on the road; they had taken Level 1 last year so it was a follow on to ensure they were safe and knowledgeable on the road.

Prep. 4 pupils took their Level 1 award, which involves bike safety, hand signals and manoeuvres but not on the road; they stayed on the playground.

At the start of the day some pupils could not confidently ride their bikes but became quite proficient by the end of the session.

This is a great opportunity for our pupils and I hope that it leads to some lovely family biking moments! Cycling is a great sport with so many benefits both for the individual and the environment.

Click here to see our photographs.

Mrs. Long

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