Music in Reception, February 2017

Posted: 15th February 2017

Posted on 15th Feb 2017

In Music this term Reception have been learning to recognise the difference between pulse and rhythm.  

The children come into the class and play a “Gathering” game, focussing on walking to a steady beat and finding different partners to greet. Then they enjoy an action song to warm up their voices and bodies, called “Head and Shoulders, Baby!”

Candy Cat usually features during Circle Activities to practise recognising Pulse or Rhythm.

All the children then have the opportunity to play the percussion instruments as part of our song – “We are Reception Crash and Bang Band”

We have been listening to Carnival of the Animals by Saint-Saens and the children are all able to identify which animal is depicted by the music. They are also becoming very proficient when identifying instruments of the orchestra from pictures. Work  has now commenced learning songs for Reception’s Play so watch this space!!

Mrs. Mair

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