Reception Enjoy Learning French!

Posted: 13th December 2016

Posted on 13th Dec 2016

Almost fluent in French now, Reception class enthusiastically enter the classroom “La petite France” with huge smiles, singing and doing actions to their instructions song  “Ecoutez!”.

Throughout the class they listen carefully and follow instructions in French.  Already they know what to expect and they eagerly await our little routines with the hope of gaining a special French sticker for good work.

Late in September we travelled around the world celebrating European Languages Day; greeting each other in many different tongues.  We shared the languages of the reception class too!

In our main topic, “Ourselves”, we are learning how to say our name and the words for the parts of the body.  We have followed the storybook   “Pourquoi?”  finding out from Lulu Lapin as he questions his mummy, why we have ears, eyes etc… and we are amused and enlightened by some of the answers!

We love to join in with other French children (on a DVD) doing the action song “Head, shoulders knees and toes” and as a special treat we watch the ‘Mon Ane’ DVD,  a favourite for all French children. We can pick out words we know for parts of the body and do actions to some of the songs.

Soon it will be Noël and we will learn about Christmas in France.

Click here to see some pictures of a recent French lesson!

Joyeux Noël!

Madame Cotton

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