Nursery: Jumping on the gymnastics mat!

Posted: 11th July 2016

Posted on 11th Jul 2016

As many babies can start in the Baby Room before they are able to move, crawl and walk, one activity that suits all abilities to develop physical skills is the large gymnastics mat.

The children that can walk can climb on by themselves and move around independently and non mobile babies can wiggle round the soft surface. Once the mat is out the Babies eagerly climb on and jump about on the big crash mat. They bounce, crawl and move about, excitedly giggling with each other.

Henry rolled around on the mat several times and Elodie did a little dance in the middle! Peter showed lots of concentration as he climbed on and off and Nayan rolled and bounced at the same time, chuckling to himself. Robyn liked to crawl fast whilst Scarlett ran and jumped down on the mat with happy squeals!

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