Celebrating the end of term in Prep 3!

Posted: 11th July 2016

Posted on 11th Jul 2016

So, what’s the end of term like in Prep 3?

It’s a time for celebration – the end of exams! The children (and the teachers) had the occasional bag of sweets (but we don’t tell the parents – so please don’t let them know!) and the children thought about how they felt after completing their tests – “I feel happy and proud of myself” said Jiya. 

Teddy said he felt smarter and Charlie was so excited he nearly exploded! Hettie summed it up by saying that she felt like a superhero! All the children, and no doubt the parents, were very pleased to have earned a homework-free weekend!

It’s a time for co-operation – working together to share skills and helping each other out.  Sosuke, Teddy and Charlie shared their crayons and their brainpower to solve their maths puzzles in no time!  Lessons might be a little more relaxed, but the children keep on working right up to the end!

It’s a time for showing off – in the best possible way, of course!  This is the first year that these children have been involved in the school production – and judging by the try-on of their costumes and the shameless posing, they are going to make an impact!  (Watch out for the boys – there’s a band in the making if ever I saw one!)

It’s also a time for change – having successfully completed their first year in KS2, they are all ready, willing and able to move on up – watch out, Mrs Long, they’re heading your way! It’s a very fond farewell from me … now, all I’ve got to do is start all over again with Form 2!

Mrs Guest

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