Who needs friends?
Why do we need friends?
How do we go about making and keeping friends?
How would we feel without any friends?
Form 1 pupils tried to answer these important questions during their Assembly for parents on Friday June 17th. We all know that lovely feeling when we spend time with our friends and have great fun. Friendship makes us feel special and cared for and is an essential part of our happiness.
Unfortunately, sometimes even the best friendships go wrong and we know what it feels like to have a disagreement, or to be left out of things. Even though this is usually only for a short time, it can makes us feel unhappy, upset or lonely. Form 1 explained that friendship is a 2-way thing and to have good friends we need to be a good friend by listening, caring and celebrating each other’s achievements.
The children all contributed their own ideas to the assembly and had great fun putting across their message. A great assembly Form 1! Well done!
Click here to see some photographs from our assembly.
Mrs. Mitchell