Summer Fayre, Saturday 11th June

Posted: 25th May 2016

Posted on 25th May 2016

Half term is fast approaching and the second half of Trinity Term would not be the same without the School’s Summer Fayre: the theme of which will be ‘The Great Edenhurst Bake-Off‘. The EFA Committee is currently working extremely hard to deliver yet another fantastic fayre – however we cannot do this without the support of parents, friends and of course our children.

To make this event as successful as possible we are asking for the following donations;

  • Cakes for the cake stall – to be brought into school on either the 10th or 11th June.
  • Donations of bottles: water or wine – anytime in the week beginning June 6th

Also we depend on parents helping on the day, so any parent and/or friends who wish to help: either setting up, manning a stall or helping with the clean-up, would be greatly appreciated (even if it is just for one hour). Please let the School Office or myself know as soon as possible.

Edenhurst Friends Association continues to play a vital role in the life of the School and Nursery. We have recently contributed to the fantastic school allotment and bought replacement chickens, acknowledging that these initiatives are crucial for our children’s development. We are also committed to provide a fantastic ‘Leavers Day’ for Prep 6 in July, which is a traditional involvement of the EFA.

We now wish to raise funds to purchase further play apparatus for the School and Nursery playgrounds. Without raising funds we would not be in a position to continue to enhance the facilities for our children.


Sally Sturge,

Chair, Edenhurst Friends Association


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