Reception Learn About Minibeasts!

Posted: 25th May 2016


Posted on 25th May 2016

The topic in May in Reception is minibeasts. We are now able to name lots of minibeasts, say how they move and name their body parts.

We have also learnt about the differences between insects and arachnids.

We have based some of our work inside the classroom on both fiction and non fiction books.

Visits to the bug hotel and garden to look at habitats have provided opportunities to study minibeasts outside,and have also added to work in our eco files. Six children in our class now have a golden ticket for their eco treat, and their outstanding badge. There is still time to complete 40 activities for the golden ticket, closing date is the Monday after half term.

Our art work related to the topic can be seen in the classroom or in this newsletter. As you can see we have all been very busy and have had great fun !

Click here to see some photographs of our adventures.

Mrs. Hodgkinson

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