Form 1's Cross-Curricular Lessons

Posted: 24th May 2016

Posted on 24th May 2016

Cross curricular activities are an integral part of the studies in Form 1 and they make learning particularly fun, relevant and exciting. The class has just completed a topic in Science which centred around the Classification of Animals and this led to many activities in other subjects, which were both varied and yet connected to the main theme.


A visit to Chester Zoo sparked the initial interest of the pupils and was an excellent way to inspire them. By now, each child should be able to tell you whether an animal is a vertebrate or invertebrate (and what the words mean), whether an animal is a mammal, a reptile, an insect, a fish or an amphibian (a tough one!) or if an animal is a carnivore, omnivore or herbivore. Pupils have also investigated where animals live and how they have adapted to their different environments.


This topic has then extended into other areas, often led by pupil interest. In English, the children produced some excellent descriptive work about the animals they had seen at Chester Zoo. In Geography, Form 1 thought about the animals that live in Africa, before creating artwork demonstrating how animals use camouflage in their natural habitat. Finally, in ICT lessons, we have collected data, such as our favourite animals at the zoo, and the children have collated, displayed and interpreted this data using bar charts created on 2Simple. Phew!

Click here to see some photographs of our work.

Mrs Mitchell

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