School Allotment News,May 2016

Posted: 11th May 2016

Posted on 11th May 2016

On Friday 29th April it was exciting to take our first group of 6 children to our school allotment at Lyme Valley.  Eco representatives from Preps 4 and 5 enjoyed planting main crop potatoes (and finding huge worms!).

They used a range of problem solving and mathematical skills to measure, mark and dig out suitable trenches before placing the ‘chitted’ potatoes (sprouts up) at regular intervals. They then used rakes to cover the potatoes over and used string to mark where they were planted.

We hope to harvest the ‘Desiree’ potatoes in approximately 20 weeks and we look forwards to eating them in our school meals!

Please take a look at the gallery to see some photographs of our progress.

Mrs Heyhoe

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