Barcelona Reflections from Prep 6

Posted: 11th May 2016


Posted on 11th May 2016

If you’ve been following our Twitter and Facebook accounts during the last couple of weeks, you’ll have seen a flurry of messages and pictures containing happy looking children wearing shorts and T-shirts, taking photographs, eating ice cream, walking (a lot!) and enjoying adventures in a new place.  It could only be our biennial trip to Barcelona, from which we safely returned on Friday of last week.

I’m delighted to report that once again, it was a great success and thoroughly enjoyed by all present.  The staff even managed to get some sleep (really!) – in part due to the sun and beautiful weather; in part due to the large amount of walking that we all did during the time that we were there.

Please click on the links below to take you to our blogs for the time that we were there: a link to the photo galleries is within each blog so that you are easily able to see that we did each day.  If you would like to see further pictures you can find them on the Edenhurst Deputy Twitter feed, on the Edenhurst School feed, or on the school’s Facebook page.

We are rebooking for 2018 in order to take our current Prep 4 pupils and will send out further details about this towards the end of this term.  Thanks to Mrs. Smith and Miss Turner for all of their work in making this such a wonderful trip for the children – if you want to find out more about it, speak to the children!

Mr. Barnes

Viva Espana: Day 1

Viva Espana: Day 2

Viva Espana: Day 3

Viva Espana: Day 4

Viva Espana: Epiblog

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