Edenhurst Writing Competition

Posted: 28th April 2016

Posted on 28th Apr 2016

During the last term, our children took part in a number of writing competitions. These included the national 500 Words competition run by the BBC and Chris Evans; the Indepedent Schools Association’s ‘Horsey Junior’ contest aimed at the Prep 5 and 6 children; and a challenge for all of the Bellevue Schools, co-ordinated by Weston Green School as part of World Book Day.

Well done to all of the children who entered and took part in all of these events.  Prizes were given to the following pupils:

EYFS: Sanya P

KS1: Bertie B

Lower Prep: Siya P

Upper Prep: Lottie B


Special mentions must also be given to the following pupils:

Prep 5: Joseph N, Lily T, Elliot N.

Prep 6: Evie E, Camilla B, Isabella E, William H, Summer-Louise S


Keep up the great work and above all – keep reading!  This feeds all of the ideas and language that are so vital for fantastic writing.


Mr. Barnes

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