Prep 6 Look Forward to Barcelona

Posted: 26th April 2016

Posted on 26th Apr 2016

The clock is busy ticking and each day Prep 6 remind me that we’re one day closer to our biennial trip to Barcelona.  This will be the second occasion that we’ve run this visit and Mrs. Smith, Miss Turner and I are all looking forward to it as well!

During their Spanish lessons Prep 6 have been learning about the culture of Barcelona.  They also took some time to share some of their thoughts about what they are looking forward to seeing or experiencing whilst we are away.  Here are a few of their responses:


What are you most looking forward to seeing or doing whilst you are in Barcelona?

  • Seeing Camp Nou because I am a huge lover of football and I have never been there before! (Alex)

  • I am most looking forward to shopping, free time and the beach because I love doing them all and they are more fun when you do them with friends. (Isabella)

  • I’m excited about going on an open-topped bus because I’ve never done it. (Camilla)

  • I’m looking forward to seeing the Picasso Museum because I want to see more art work. (Harry)


What do you think will be an interesting place to visit, and why?

  • La Sagrada Familia sounds amazing because it has taken so long to build and it still isn’t complete. (Joey)

  • I think that the Picasso Museum will be interesting because of all of the different art pieces. (Summer-Louise)

  • I think that La Sagrada Familia will be very interesting because of the amazing detail of the building. (Will)

  • I think that Camp Nou will be an interesting place to visit because Messi has played there and we will get to look around the pitch. (Deleila)


Are there any types of Spanish food that you would like to try, or are looking forward to eating?

  • I’m looking forward to trying paella. (Safyan)

  • I’m looking forward to eating paella in the country that it comes from. (Oliver M)

  • I don’t mind what I eat.  I’m looking forward to trying the food there. (Bryce)

  • I would like to try calamari because I’ve never eaten it before and I want to try other new foods. (Toby)


Is there anything that you are nervous about (even if only a little bit?)

The resounding answer was NO!

Most of Prep 6 went on the trip to France last year and therefore already have one international school trip ‘under the belt’.  There will be daily updates in the Blogs section on the school website and photo galleries, along with regular posts on Facebook and Twitter.  Keep your eyes open to see what we’re doing!  

Hasta la vista, Edenhurst!

Mr. Barnes

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